How to Use

Bay Laurel

In some cultures, and traditions, Bay Laurel has different spiritual and health-related uses. It is burned as a smudge to attract blessings and to ward off the evil eye. Bay Laurel is also used in remedies to ease coughs, respiratory conditions such as sinusitis, and common colds. The leaves or oil when placed in corners of cupboards can serve as insect repellents. 

Bay Laurel Tea for easing cough  

Add fresh water and a few fresh leaves of Bay Laurel into a small pot. 

Simmer for about 10/15 minutes. 

Strain and pour into a mug.  

Add honey if desired.

Bay Laurel Smudging Wand

This will clear and purify indoor spaces. 

- Gather a small bundle of bay laurel leaves. 

- Tightly wrap a string around the bundle.

- Hang the bundled leaves to dry for around 2 weeks. Time of drying depends on the climate.

- Once dried, light one edge of the bundle and blow out the flame to create smoke.

- Gently waft the smoke around the interior of the house, paying special attention to the corners.

- Ensure all windows remain open throughout this ritual.

Bay Laurel Infusion 

Place a few drops of pure bay laurel essential oil on the shower floor while warm water is being used. The steam will allow the oil to infuse. This can help alleviate congestion or sinus issues. Alternatively, the oil can be diffused using an oil burner or diffuser. 

By Hadeel Balzan (from Sapun ta’ Malta)